Intertwining the artistry of jewellery and the power of universal energy,
KÁLA is a reminder of our interconnectedness with the world around us,
rooted in the profound teachings of Vedic philosophy. 

Meet Una —
the creator of KÁLA

In the midst of unfamiliar landscapes and foreign cultures,
I found myself yearning for a place to call my own —
both in the physical realm and also deeply within myself.

Amidst the uncertainties,
a pivotal moment occurred when I delved into
the world of ceramics. For the first time,
the clay seemed to respond to the touch of my hands,
and I felt a connection that had been
absent in my previous endeavors.

As I explored this tactile process,
a parallel interest began to grow — jewelry making.
This newfound appeal became a potential avenue that resonated with my creative inclinations.

The turning point, however,
arrived with the birth of my daughter Esme.
It shook me to my core in the best way possible,
a newfound drive and inspiration emerged within me.

It was in this transformative journey
that I decided to follow my intuition and
explore the realm of jewelry making.

From the first tentative steps of shaping raw materials
to the delicate precision of crafting meaningful pieces,
jewelry making transcended its role as a mere craft for me —
it evolved into a form of meditation that nourished my soul.

As I immersed myself in the creative process,
the worries of the world melted away,
and I found solace in the present moment.

This was also a time of great spiritual growth
as I found myself in the world of Vedic philosophy,
studying Ayurveda and Vedic astrology,
all alongside the anticipation
of welcoming Matilda into our family.

The allure of these subjects
proved utterly captivating and I found clarity
in understanding various facets of life
more profoundly than ever before.
It not only resonated with my intellectual curiosity
but also offered practical insights into holistic well-being.

In this artistic alchemy of motherhood and Vedic philosophy, my jewelry became more than an accessory —
it became a tangible manifestation of my spiritual journey and the newfound purpose found in family life.

A medium to encapsulate the beauty of continuity,
the significance of relationships,
and the timeless essence of Vedic wisdom.

This is KÁLA.