KÁLA creates contemporary meditation jewellery where each piece serves as a wearable talisman.

Originating in ancient India, Vedic philosophy
encompasses a diverse range of ideas and insights regarding the nature of existence, the self, and the ultimate reality.
The Vedas emphasize a holistic understanding of life, encouraging spiritual inquiry, moral living,
and the pursuit of self-realization
as pathways to attaining a harmonious existence.

Closely associated with Vedic philosophy
is an ancient system of astrology known as Jyotish.
The sanskrit word “Jyotisha” means “the science of light”,
the knowledge that brings light into our lives
and into our consciousness.

By gaining knowledge about our karma,
we can understand our hardships,
talents and our greatest task in life. Knowing this,
we start seeing the light and stop groping in the dark.

the map

In Jyotish, there are various compensation mechanisms
that are believed to mitigate or balance
unfavorable planetary influences in a person’s birth chart.

One of them is Ratna Shastra or gem therapy.
Certain gemstones are associated with specific planets,
and wearing these gems is believed to
enhance the positive influences of those planets
while mitigating any adverse effects.

Ancient Vedic texts provide detailed insights
into the mystical properties and attributes
associated with various gemstones,
linking them to planetary influences and cosmic energies.

The practice of adorning oneself with specific gemstones is believed to bring about positive changes in one's life,
aligning with the principles of astrology and metaphysics.

Central to brands ethos is the
commitment to non-violence (ahimsa) and compassion,
principles deeply rooted in Vedic philosophy.

KÁLA sources the materials responsibly,
ensuring that the gemstones and
metals used in the creations
adhere to ethical and sustainable practices.
The result is a collection that not only exudes allure
but also aligns with my own values of
kindness towards all living beings.

Here at KÁLA
I aspire to keep my footprint as small as possible.
From the design process to the finished product,
I embrace a cruelty-free approach,
contributing to a world where
compassion is at the heart of everything I do.