Astrology as a spiritual science.

"Our birth chart is a mirror of our soul and its particular incarnation. In our stars we see the growth and evolution of our inner being from life to life. This does not mean that we can find truth or liberation merely through reading astrological charts. It means that astrology gives us the keys to the unfoldment of the spirit and can be used as a key to inner unfoldment.

The stars and planets are not just outer entities, they exist within our own minds as our guiding lights. One could say that our own inner lights take shape outwardly as the stars and planets to guide the world's evolution. The outer comes from the inner and not vice versa, though the outer can affect the inner. The same rays of creation function outwardly in the heavens and inwardly in the heaven of our own higher mind. The stars determine our field of activity in life. As we are a reflection of them, so they are a reflection of us. The stars form the cosmic man just as we, as human beings, form a solar system within ourselves.

Our own soul is itself a star, a sun, a point of cosmic light. Our own soul - often called "causal being" because it is the causative power behind our life and thought - contains the power to create the entire universe. The light of our soul connects directly to the cosmic light, to the one Divine light that is in the Sun and all the stars.

Reflecting the universe itself, astrology can be used to examine all domains of life. From it we can learn about our health, wealth, career and relationships, our material, mental and spiritual manifestations. It shows the entire structure of energies through which we must act in life. As such, it is the most comprehensive science we have. Yet on its highest level, astrology is the science of the spirit. Its purpose is to guide us beyond the net of these outer forces to their source. This source is not in the heavens, whether of this physical world or of one more subtle. It is not some mysterious or alien force, but what we really are when our minds are free of the bias of the separate self."

Finding your purpose.

"We are all different combinations of the same cosmic forces coming through the planets and stars. The ego, our sense of personal identity, is a ficion, an illusion that does not really exist.

We all have the same basic nature, both superficial and deep, and must all go through the same basic life experiences, good and bad, for the growth of our consciousness.

Our differences come from being at different stages of this process, not because we are really different or separate, better or worse than one another.

As souls, we all have the same potential and the same basic problems to work out in our destiny. The spiritual goal is to go beyond the need to be somebody in the external world. In this regard our birth chart is the picture of our ignorance, the pattern of desire and karma in which we are caught.

The purpose of astrology is not just to tell us what this pattern is but to show us the way out of it. As souls, we are not limited to the birth chart, though it represents the present phase of our manifestation. It is a structure that we have created, though not entirely in this life, and one that we can change in time by changing our daily action."


"Some say that astrology, however true it may be, is not a spiritual science, that it is not a way of liberation but merely an occult science. Certainly astrology as it is commonly practiced is not spiritual. It is caught in the glamour of worldliness, ego and personality. Yet a higher form of astrology exists that reflects our higher Self that is not only divine but also universal, reflected in the entire cosmos. The Vedic vision of a spiritual astrology derives from this.

Vedic astrology has a spiritual orientation and a focus on the destiny of the soul, its movement from the ignorance to the knowledge. Astrology is an aspect of the real science of life that is yoga and meditation. If it caters too much to the outer goals of life, it defeats its real purpose and value.

This lack of spiritual knowledge in astrology has caused many to dismiss it as being of no value. Certainly much of astrology can be viewed this way, particularly the popular personality-oriented astrology. Yet it is not astrology that is at fault or limited but our superficial way of applying it."

This reading is a quote from David Frawley's book "Astrology of the Seers".
I chose his words because he perfectly articulates everything I believe about astrology.
I really couldn't have said it better. Frawley has been a great inspiration of mine along with
Prash Trivedi and my teachers - Shiva Vakya Siddha Baba, Atis Zarins, Linda Zarina and Juris Erenpreiss.

As Socrates had said - to know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.
I invite you to get to know your Self through the lens of Jyotish.
It will be a truly cathartic experience, a journey within.
